One of the leading programs in the country, 我们为期27个月的研究生正畸住院医师计划为住院医师提供基于当代生物正畸原理的优质治疗. 1971年推出, 该计划由牙科认证委员会完全认可,并被美国正畸委员会认可为资格.

Working in a collegial atmosphere of mutual respect, 我们的住院医师接受来自美国各地的专家教师的培训. The rigorous curriculum is a combination of didactic courses, strong clinical experience 和 re搜索.

每年, 杜戈尼学校每个班有8个名额,收到了200多份申请. Upon successful completion of the program, 我们的住院医生毕业时拥有牙科科学硕士学位和正畸学证书.

woman sitting at computer looking at orthodontics imaging

程序 & Application Information

Each resident completes a series of coursework 和 also practices in the clinic. 该计划是严格的,但牙科学校尽一切努力培养学生和教师之间相互尊重的大学氛围.


Didactic courses include principles of orthodontics; cephalometrics 和 3D imaging 和 airway considerations; facial growth, 生物力学, craniofacial biology; cleft lip 和 palate; re搜索 methodology; the appliance laboratory; pediatrics; statistics; anatomy, bone biology 和 clinical use of temporary anchorage devices; TMD; orthognathic surgery; restorative-orthodontic relationships; practice management 和 periodontic/orthodontic care.


临床指导和实践在学校的正畸诊所进行,每周有六个半天的诊所, 为儿童和青少年(75%的病例)和成人(25%的病例)提供治疗, 包括多学科病例(结合牙周和修复手术).



住院医生每周安排5天的教学和临床指导,需要充分参与. While there is no prohibition of weekend private dental practice, residents’ commitments during the program may make extracurricular schedules challenging.


Fixed appliance treatment employs the edgewise technique, 尽管教学允许基于患者需求和特殊教师专业知识的广泛临床变化. Experience in treating the entire range of orthodontic problems is provided. Each resident also starts multiple cases utilizing micro-implant anchorage, including MARPE (microimplant-assisted rapid palatal exp和er) appliances.

从1998年到2002年,正畸科是新Invisalignä技术的最初测试地点, 现在提供了一种最先进的方法来治疗各种各样的Invisalignä患者. Each resident generally starts more than 10 patients with this clear appliance. Complete 3D 数字记录 are obtained from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan, iTero intra-oral scan, 和3D面部扫描. 数字正畸和3D打印技术也允许住院医生进行3D数字设置, 3D printed indirect bonding, 和 in-house clear aligner treatment.

MSD (Master of Science in Dentistry) / Certificate in Orthodontics 

学生参与一个研究项目,并完成一篇论文,有资格获得牙科科学硕士学位. These are submitted for publication in scientific journals.

研究 projects include critical review of the literature, development of a hypothesis 和 the design, statistical analysis 和 interpretation of data. 研究 is conducted under the guidance of a faculty member 和 committee, culminating in a thesis 和 its defense.

正畸科参加美国牙科教育协会博士后申请支持服务(PASS), 为400多个参与的牙科博士后教育项目提供集中申请服务. 申请人可在网上填写申请表格,或从 通过网站.

  • Completed application materials must be received by PASS prior to their deadline. Check their website for the application deadline.
  • 完整的PASS申请和所有证明文件必须在8月9日之前由研究生正畸计划的招生委员会收到, 2024.
  • A non-refundable fee of $75 must be submitted along with your application. Pay application fee here ›

Factors considered by the 研究生 Orthodontics 程序 入学s Committee include:

  • Possession of the doctoral degree in dentistry;
  • Excellence in predental 和 dental school academic achievement;
  • 牙科 class st和ing;
  • 研究生入学考试成绩(机构代码4065 /院系代码0604);
  • ADAT not required but will accept;
  • 牙科 Match 程序 code;
  • Practice, teaching 和 re搜索 experience;
  • Possession of advanced academic degree(s);
  • 托福成绩-总分95分或以上(仅限国际学生-机构代码4892 /部门代码38)
  • 牙科 National Board Examination results; or
  • 综合全国牙科委员会考试(INDBE) -结果必须在11月4日前提交给计划, 2024;
  • Letters of recommendation;
  • Course by Course evaluation 牙科学校成绩单-适用于国际申请人(只接受欧洲经委会的评估).

NOTE: The faculty in the Department of Orthodontics, at University of the Pacific, 亚瑟一个 Dugoni牙科学院认为,参与博士后牙科匹配计划的住院医师计划对申请人是公平和有益的. 我们也相信,比赛的参与是在专业的长期最佳利益. 因此, 我们已经决定面试那些专门申请参加比赛项目的申请人.


学校保留随时修改或更改录取标准或要求的权利,无需事先通知,并立即生效. 本网站提供的信息不能被视为在学生和学校之间建立有约束力的合同.

Digital Orthodontics

Explore the digital technologies we use in the slideshow below.

教师 & 居民

Meet our faculty 和 say hello to our orthodontic residents!

Our Orthodontic Clinic

The Redmond Family Orthodontic Clinic at the 亚瑟一个. Dugoni牙科学院为儿童和成人提供全方位的正畸服务.

Craniofacial 研究 Instrumentation Laboratory

颅面研究仪器实验室(CRIL)专门致力于临床研究,专注于通过正畸和/或手术手段纠正牙面错颌和颅面畸形的治疗干预措施的效果. 这些努力的目标是为循证正畸实践创造更好的未来条件.


Dugoni Academic 项目

San Francisco, CA 94103


Dugoni Academic 项目